Title: Legends of Rock 'n Roll


D. Lynn Meyers



Year: 1993

Month: November

Day: 24

Publisher: Production Co-ordinator D. Lynn Meyers

Pagination: 0

Document Type: Pamphlet


Starring Johnny Vallis, Barrie Randle, Markus Freibe. Executive Producer: Howard Pechet, Associate Producer: Carol Faulkner, Operations Manager: Edward Symbaluk, Asst. Operations manager: Shannon Williamson, Co-ordinator: D. Lynn Meyers, Set Design: Nancy Yuen, Peter Leonard, Lighting Design: Brian McNeil, Apprentice Stage Manager: Paul Bezaire, Costumer: Pat Burden, Box Office Manager: Tracy Lazerman, Executive Chef: Joe Kennedy Stage West maitre D': Trish Pino, Director of Public relations and Advertising: Audrei-Kairen, Public Relations Asst.: Lisa Bienvenue, Playbill Advertising: David Seaberg.